Climbing Gym hygiene protocol and protective measures

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Climbing gyms are returning to normal after the forced closure caused by the coronavirus pandemic. These indoor installations must meet hygiene, protection and safety requirements so that the practice of climbing is safe for all users. Here are some climbing gym hygiene protocol and protective measures:

  • Keep a minimum distance of 1,5 to 2 meters.
  • Hand hygiene. Immediately after entering the gym and before climbing starts, customers should wash their hands thoroughly according to the general instructions.
  • In addition to hand hygiene, customers must rub their hands with a suitable disinfectant after washing and drying. The average alcohol content must be at least 70% to eliminate corona viruses.
  • As an additional measure, the use of liquid chalk should be considered.
  •  Wearing of masks should help prevent the spread of the virus.

Remember that you can use the new #FixeClimb hydroalcoholic spray to keep your gear and the installations safe